Curcumin complex Orally soluble powder

Patented in USA US 11331281B2
Patented in Czech Republic CZ 307916
Patented in EU (EP 3400932),
Patented in Canada (CA 3.004.220)
The only patented food supplement with bioavailable curcumin in the form of orally soluble tablets for maximum absorption and easy use.
Curcumin is the best characterized anti-inflammatory agent extracted from the root of Curcuma longa and it has long been used in traditional medicine of Orient.
Developed in cooperation with First Faculty of Medicine of Charles University, Czech Republic - scientific study confirmed 100% absorption of curcumin in comparison to classic products, and 220x increased solubility of curcumin.
Innovative food supplement, supported by own scientific study.
Patented in USA US 11331281B2
Patented in Czech Republic CZ 307916
Kurkumin je v poslední době velmi ceněná látka a je předmětem mnoha vědeckých studií, jejichž výsledky naznačují, že především díky svým protizánětlivým, antiseptickým a antioxidačním účinkům by mohl mít mnoho zdravotních výhod. Kurkumin je extrahován z oddenků kurkumy (Curcuma longa) a je nejvíce biologicky aktivní složkou této rostliny, je také zodpovědný za její žluté zbarvení.
Vitamin D je nepostradatelný pro správné fungování imunitního systému. Je také důležitý pro normální vstřebávání a využití vápníku a fosforu k udržení normálního stavu kostí, zubů a svalů.
The key question associated with curcumin is its bioavailability. Even at high doses of unprocessed native turmeric, only a very small amount of curcumin is absorbed by human body, the rest of it is eliminated without any effect. The results of our study is, that our curcumin has 220x better solubility and 100% absorption in comparison with competitive products.
The solution to very limited absorption of curcumin has been found through the research cooperation with Biocev.
Orally dispersible tablets (ODT) provide rapid absorption and high efficacy of curcumin by removing the first-pass effect.
The first-pass effect is common with classic tablets, where the active substance passes through the digestive tract and subsequently the liver, where it is mostly degraded or converted to ineffective substances. With orally dissolving forms, the first-pass effects do not occur - the active substance is absorbed already in the oral cavity, which results in increased efficacy even of low doses.
The results of our study have confirmed that Neo curcumin supplement has increased absorption (bioavailability) and solubility compared to native curcumin contained in commonly available dietary supplements.
Do not hesitate to contact us for more information on study!
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100 %
Pictures show cell cultures incubated by products A, B and Neo curcumin supplement containing curcumin. The curcumin contained in products A and B does not penetrate the cells. Curcumin contained in Neo curcumin supplement is easily absorbed by cells.
Product A
Product B
Neo curcumin supplement